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Game Stuff

Stuff about games I play!

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Games I like

A list of my favourite games

  • Team Fortress 2

    My first game on PC. A friend in primary school came over, made a steam account for me, and installed TF2 so we could play together. I've been playing ever since, although with school I don't really get to play as much as I want to. Tied with Wind Waker.

  • The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

    Specifically the HD version for wii u. Probably my favourite game of all time.

  • Celeste

    Needs no more explanation. Really good game. Still have to 100% it tho. Just a skill issue at this point tbh. If I really had to rank them, my third favourite (I can't really choose).

I've recently been getting sucked in to terraria as well, since it's something I can play on my laptop during uni or on the train.

Team Fortress 2


Right now, I'm using DeerHud. It's a cute pixel art kinda hud with a health and ammo position that I really like. Also... cute animated deer on hud.

Gamebanana DeerHUD mod icon

Also cute crit icon :3.

Gamebanna cute crit icon mod icon


I use mastercomfig to take care of all my customisation, since I got tired of trying to manually tweak things in my own config. I use the medium high preset (because that's all my aging PC can handle :/) with no tutorial, null cancelling, flat mouse, and disable pyroland.

I also use a mod which disables explosion smoke and effects because if you're on a crowded 32 player 24/7 2fort server the game becomes impossible to play lol. I don't know where I downloaded it from (some mod on gamebanana probably) because I installed it a long time ago, but vorobey's config video has a script which does the same thing (with the plus that it will definitely work on sv_pure 1 servers).

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